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Integrated System Policy


The company's philosophy is to promote sustained growth in an integrated management policy, transversal to all areas of the company, as recommended in ISO 9001 and NP 4457. 


Its culture is the satisfaction of all the players from its employees, customers, suppliers, to its entire environment. It appeals to creativity and differention mechanisms, promoting a team spirit and initiative among all, aiming continuous improvement based on the commitment with all the appropriate requirements. It promotes an environment of mutual help and skill developmente establishing new and improved channels of information flows that generate potencial results.


It also favour long-term relationships that promote innovations in harmony with good practices and that guarantee the nature preservation and the well-being of all living beings, in particular of the human being


Strategic objective


The company's strategic objective is to the path to excellence, growing and innovating, which translates into high added value and definitely contributes to a better world!



See Certificates: ISO 9001 and NP 4457

Customer Satisfaction Inquiry
Ângelo Coimbra wants to improve its performance and to this end, asks kindly your cooperation in completing and submitting (qualidade@angelocoimbra.pt) of this inquiry: Satisfaction
Thank you for your cooperation! 
Our inquiry strictly respects all the laws on data protection and is completely anonymous.